InnApartment - Main Station #1


100台北市中正區懷寧街17號3樓 -

Available 2024-04-28


● 1-4 個月租期 : NT$48,000/月 (標準方案,可加值服務)

● 5-8 個月租期 : NT$45,300/月 (標準方案,可加值服務)



● 公寓屬性 : 電梯大樓 - 獨立套房

● 入住人數 : 2人 (超過最低人數2人,每人需要加收費用)

● 房間坪數 : 10坪

● 房間窗戶 : 有 (對外窗)

● 公寓樓層 : 3樓

● 電梯設備 : 有

● 交通資訊 : 捷運台北車站

● 飼養寵物 : 禁養寵物



●『有』提供設備 : 冰箱、洗衣機、電視、冷氣、熱水器、床、衣櫃、第四台、網路、桌椅、沙發、陽台

●『無』提供設備 : 車位、天然瓦斯



● 短期押金 : 一個月押金 (租期1-4個月)。

● 長租押金 : 兩個月押金 (4個月以上租期)

● 寵物押金 : 若有養貓,收NT$5,000作為寵物押金

● 電費 : 夏季6-9月1度電4.5元,其他月份1度電4.5元

● 水費 : 租金內含

● 第四台 : 租金內含

● 無線網路 : 租金內含

● 其他能源費 : 無



● 租金價格僅包含:水、網路、第四台

● 房間設備提供:基本家具、家電

● 寢具(枕頭棉被)及個人生活所需小物品需自行準備,但寢具可於預定之前與訂房客服加值服務

● 租屋期間不提供打掃服務,請租客自行維護房間品質,但可單次加值服務


Guest Laundry
Free WiFi
Non-Smoking Rooms
Wardrobe or Closet
  • Minimum Stay:
  • Maximum Stay:
  • Check-in:
  • Check-out:
  • Pets:
  • Suitable for

  • 【Rental Related Fees】
  • Deposit:
  • Included in the rent:

As stated in the rental agreement.
life covenant
1.After 10 PM, please refrain from making loud noises, lower your voice, and tread lightly when entering or exiting.
2.It is prohibited to stack personal items, trash, shoes, or anything else in common areas, hallways, entrances, and the rooftop, as this may affect fire safety.
3.Please sort and package your garbage and place it in the designated area on garbage collection days to prevent the proliferation of cockroaches and rodents.
4.For the safety of other residents, if you plan to have friends stay overnight, please notify the management company in advance.
5.Keep common areas clean.
6.When using the washing machine, do not leave clothes in it for an extended period to ensure the rights of other tenants.
7.Public washing machines and dryers may be used between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
8.When using the kitchen sink, water dispenser, or other public facilities, please clean the countertops and keep the floor clean.<
9.Do not use gas products inside the rooms to prevent gas leaks or explosions, which could pose a public danger.
10.When using electric heating appliances, be mindful of the amperage to avoid tripping the circuit.
11.When entering or leaving, make sure the main door is closed to ensure environmental safety.
12.Tenants are prohibited from installing their own cables or network wires. If additional installations are needed, please communicate with the management company to obtain permission.
13.Do not flush any items, including toilet paper, down the toilet. If blockages occur due to improper use, the tenant will be responsible for the repair costs.
14.Pets are prohibited (except for those who have signed a pet agreement).
15.Smoking is strictly prohibited.
16.In case of violations of the terms of this code of conduct, the landlord (party A) has the right to terminate the lease agreement at any time to protect the rights of all residents.


TWD 48,000 up/month


TWD 48,000 up/month