現在旅樂序五館已經變成防疫旅館了,我是來這邊度過我的14天隔離的。 整個住房的經驗非常好,如果大家在考慮要住在哪一間防疫旅館(或是以後開始開放給一般旅客後)我很推薦!簡單來說,房間很舒適明亮,工作人員也很友善,任何需要的東西都不缺,地點也很好。下面會更詳細說明。 先從房間本身講起。因為要關14天,我之前在找旅館的時候有刻意找房間感覺清爽明亮的(比如我個人很討厭地毯或是太中式或傳統旅館的風格,感覺很厚重,即使有些有比較大的坪數我還是都排除),然後希望可以有空間做一些簡單的運動。旅樂序的房間不是很大,只有5.4坪,可是房間的配置設計得很好。廁所用的是不透視的霧面玻璃,牆上也有大片的鏡子讓空間感覺沒那麼壅塞。床旁邊就是一個很大的窗戶(有一部分可以打開一點點),而且因為旅館位在街角,沒有從窗戶看出去只看得到隔壁大樓牆壁的問題,採光跟通風都很好。桌面的部分我一般生活使用完全沒問題,平常桌上放的就是熱水器、水杯、保養品瓶瓶罐罐、15寸筆電,除此之外吃飯的時候還有非常充裕的空間放便當。我來的時候帶了一個很大的行李箱、一個大後背包、和一個相機包,房間內本身就有一大箱水跟一包會用到的東西(溫度計、環保餐具、泡麵點心之類的),隔離期間還收到區公所送來的一大箱隔離驚喜包,可是收納好之後,房間還是有足夠的位置讓我做Jeanette Jenkins的45分鐘500卡體操(大推給隔離人士,但記得挑一個正常的時間,以下會多說明)。不過我只有158公分,給你們當作空間感的參考值。 房間內該有的基本上都不缺。廁所裡已經備好可以撐過14天的酒精、洗衣精、洗碗精、清潔劑、洗髮精沐浴乳、垃圾袋,旅館也有幫我們準備有夾子的衣架讓我們曬衣服用。房間內跟廁所有都可以掛衣架的地方。 我覺得工作人員很用心在幫我們選餐。14天下來除了早餐之外重複率很低,而且每一家都很好吃!偶爾還會有飲料或是水果,好開心。另外他們處理問題的效率非常高,通常跟他們聯絡完後十分鐘內就處理完了。對一個很多行動被限制的人來說,他們的照顧真的讓隔離變得很輕鬆。非常感謝。 最後要講的是隔音的問題。我本身對噪音其實滿敏感的。當初看每家旅館的房間都這麼小就有點擔心會被吵整天。不曉得是因為來這裡住的人都有刻意在控制音量,或是旅館有刻意挑選隔音的材質,或是因為他們的房間跟我都隔了一個房間的距離,我在這裡的前10天基本上沒有聽到從其他房間傳來的任何聲音。後來進住了一位房客,可能是因為直接在我隔壁的關係,我可以聽到他的腳步聲,然後他有時候會播bass很重的音樂我房間也會跟著動茲動茲。可能我做體操的時候隔壁也覺得我很吵吧。不過這可能是每個旅館都會有的問題,主要還是房客們要自己控制音量。 最後除了原本就有行李之外,建議大家可以多帶以下這些東西: - 自己的馬克杯:房間只有紙杯,雖然用完可以跟工作人員要,但如果有自己的水杯的話比較環保,也比較不麻煩 - 瑜珈墊:這裡的地板是強化地板(應該?),所以如果有些動作直接在地上做的話會造成運動傷害,行李箱有位置的話建議可以帶個瑜伽墊 - HDMI線:隔離期間真的花很多時間在追劇,自己帶一條HDMI可以用房間的電視看,就不用盯著筆電的小螢幕 -- I was at Hotel Relax 5 for my mandated 14-day quarantine. Overall, it was an amazing experience, if you don’t count in the fact that you can’t leave the room. I highly recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a quarantine hotel. The room is about 200 sq ft, so not a lot of room at all, but it’s very well-designed that I never felt like I didn’t have space for my stuff which included a huge luggage, and things I did on a regular basis (exercise, laundry…). There’s a huge window in the room, one of the walls is covered with mirrors, and the bathroom is boxed with matted glass, all these keep the room bright and less crammed. The hotel has prepped the room with detergent, rubbing alcohol, dish soap, shampoo, body wash, and trash bags, as well as stuff you’ll need for tracking like the thermometer. There’s enough for 14 days but you can ask for more if you ever run out of anything. Their staff is extremely friendly and helpful, they took great care of me and I really appreciated it. A lot of love went into picking the restaurants. Everything was tasty, and the restaurants rarely repeated. They’re also very efficient in solving problems. I almost always got mine solved within 10 minutes, have it be requests for more supplies, or slow wifi. The only problem I had was with noises. But I’m very sensitive so this might be a bit nitpicky. For the first 10 days I couldn’t really hear much coming from the other rooms. I wasn’t sure if it’s because we were all one room apart from each other or if they were just quiet people. Then someone moved into my immediately adjacent room and I started hearing more. It’s footsteps mostly, and sometimes the bass when the person’s playing music. I don’t think this problem is exclusive to this hotel though, so it’ll probably have to come down to us regulating our own activities and try to be as respectful as we can while keeping ourselves active and happy while we’re locked in. Some stuff I recommend bringing: - A mug: there are paper cups in the room but a mug is so much easier (btw you can order one and have it delivered, which then the staff will bring up for you) - Yoga mat: the floor is laminated (I think) so doing exercises like plank is going to hurt you, if there’s space in your luggage I’d recommend a thin mat - HDMI cable: I spent a lot of time on Netflix, luckily I had my HDMI cable so I could hook up my laptop to the TV!